As the new Director of Public Relations for 1984 Apple OnLine I would like to invite you to participate in creating an "Open Letter" to Steve Jobs at Apple Computer.
Since the coming of the iMac and the return to profitability for a third straight quarter has been screaming from the headlines of most Mac technology sites and magazines, I have noticed a dearth of dis-information regarding the new configuation of G3's and G4 machines of the near future. I would like to have you, our wonderful readers and subscribers help me create a wish list to be passed along to Mr Jobs. I would like you all to put in writing what you consider to be the perfect Macintosh of the future regardless of cost and send them to me. I have experienced conversations with many Mac users who are willing to pay higher prices for machines that are configured for the higher end more PCI slots, more built in Video Ram, built in Ultra SCSI Raids etc. What do you desire? What would constitute the Perfect Mac? I will summarize your thoughts, requests and desires and, with originals intact make sure that they are seen by people that can make the difference at Apple Computer and hopefully Mr.Jobs himself.
We at 1984-Online are committed to promoting the strength and growth of Apple Computers and give you our word that we will be tireless in our efforts to provide premium information and help to our subscribers. We care about your feelings and want you to know just how important you are, not only to us but to the big picture..not only for Apple but the world at large. Mac users make things happen! Look for a lot of great new areas on our site over the coming months. We welcome any suggestions for future changes.